An Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ at Creekwood  

His Most Precious Possession

The story is told of two soldiers who had recently been released from a prison camp in Siberia following World War II. "We did our best," said an officer, "to repatriate the men as fast as possible, but many were still there when winter threatened to close up the port." Only a limited number could board the last small boat... 

Among those waiting to be transported were two who had been friends all through 
the war. One of them was selected, but the other seemed doomed to remain behind. An order was given that those who were leaving could take only one important item 
of luggage. The heart of the man who was chosen went out to his friend, so he emptied his duffle bag of its prized souvenirs and his personal belongings and told 
his companion to get into the canvas sack. Then carefully lifting the bag on his shoulders,  he boarded the ship with his dear friend -- his single, most precious possession!

Because of our sins, you and I are doomed! "For all have sinned and fall short 
of the glory of God" and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 3:23; 6:23). However, Jesus Christ died on the cross on our behalf as payment for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus did this willingly so that you and I might gain safe passage "home"  to 
live together with our Heavenly Father for eternity. Our "ticket"  home came at a great personal cost to Him, however His self-sacrifice was motivated by His great love for us. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" (John 15:13).

Through the death of Jesus, a "new and living way"  has been opened up for us to enter that heavenly home (Hebrews 10:22).  Accessing this way to heaven requires faith (Romans 5:1), repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confession (Romans 10:9-10), baptism (immersion) for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38), AND faithful obedience in walking the well-lit path of righteousness (1 John 1:7).

The last ship is leaving... Can you hear the boarding call (Mark 16:15-16)? 
Jesus has given up everything so that He can take you with Him into that ship whose destination is the safe harbor of heaven.  Don't be left behind -- YOU are HIS most precious possession! 

Will YOU allow Him to carry you home?

God Bless you.

David A. Sargent, Minister 

Church of Christ at Creekwood 
1901 Schillinger Rd. S.
Mobile, Alabama  36695

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