An Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ at Creekwood  

The Expedition

In her book, Teaching a Stone to Talk, Annie Dillard tells of a British Arctic expedition which set sail in 1845 to chart the Northwest Passage through the Canadian Arctic to the Pacific Ocean . Neither of the two ships – the Erebus and the Terror -- and none of the 134 men aboard returned.

Captain Sir John Franklin prepared as if they were embarking on a pleasure cruise rather than an arduous and grueling journey through one of earth's most hostile environments. He packed a 1,200 volume library, a hand-organ, china place settings for officers and men, cut-glass wine goblets and sterling silver flatware, beautifully and intricately designed. Years later, some of these place settings would be found near a clump of frozen and reportedly cannibalized bodies.

The voyage was doomed when the ships sailed into frigid waters and became trapped in ice. First ice coated the decks, the spars and the rigging. Then water froze around the rudders and the ships became hopelessly locked in the now-frozen sea.

Sailors set out to search for help, but soon succumbed to severe Arctic weather and died of exposure to its harsh winds and sub-freezing temperatures. For some twenty years, remains of the expeditions were found all over the frozen landscape.

The crew did not prepare either for the cold or for the eventuality of the ships becoming ice-locked. On a voyage which was to last two to three years, they packed only their Navy-issue uniforms and the captain carried just a 12-day supply of coal for the auxiliary steam engines. The frozen body of an officer was eventually found, miles from the vessel, wearing his uniform of fine blue cloth, edged with silk braid, a blue greatcoat and a silk neckerchief -- clothing which was noble and respectful, but wholly inadequate.

Historians may doubt the wisdom of such an ill-prepared journey. But more important for US are the following questions:

  • “Are WE prepared for the lengthy voyage we've embarked upon, that journey we call ‘life’?  

  • Are WE also prepared for DEATH and the JUDGMENT to come?  

  • Have WE made ourselves ready for ALL that surely awaits us?”

Because of His great love for us, God has provided the means by which we can prepare ourselves for life, death, and the judgment to come.  He has given us a Map, the Bible, to guide us.  He has given us a Captain, Jesus Christ, to lead the way through life and into eternal life in heaven.  Jesus gave His life to prepare the way for us as payment for our sins, which would cause our lives to end in destruction.  

THOSE WHO: believe in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sins in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and are baptized (immersed) into Christ (Acts 2:38) have their sins washed away.  THOSE WHO: continue to follow Him faithfully will continue to have their sins washed away by His blood.

To embark on a journey unprepared can set us up for disastrous results.... 

But the GOOD NEWS is: WE can still prepare for OUR journey by trusting and obeying Christ!

Are YOU ready?

 -- David A. Sargent, Minister

Church of Christ at Creekwood 
1901 Schillinger Rd. S.
Mobile, Alabama  36695

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