An Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ at Creekwood  

The Most Valuable Discovery

In 1847, Sir James Simpson of Edinburgh discovered the use of chloroform as an anesthetic in surgery.  Some have claimed that this was the most significant discovery of modern medicine.  In his later years, Sir James was lecturing at Edinburgh University and a student asked, “What do you consider to be the most valuable discovery of your lifetime?”

Sir James answered quickly, “My most valuable discovery was when I discovered myself a sinner and that Jesus Christ was my Savior.”

That discovery is very similar to the words of John Newton, author of the timeless song, “Amazing Grace.”  At age 82, near death, almost blind, and with fading memory, he spoke these words: “My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: 
I’m a great SINNER and Christ is a great SAVIOR.”

The book of Romans makes clear these two significant truths that Simpson and 
Newton articulated. The PROBLEM is SIN.  “As it is written, there is none righteous, 
not even one” (Romans 3:10).  “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).  And the PENALTY for sin is DEATH (Romans 6:23).  

But in Romans 1:16, the apostle Paul declares that the POWER of God unto salvation is the “Gospel” of Jesus Christ.

Let’s look at this “GOOD NEWS”... 

In Christ we have the divine PROVISION.  “But God demonstrates His own love 
toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  
The PRICE that was paid?  Look at Romans 5:9: “Much more then, having now 
been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.”

Now what’s the PROCESS by which we contact that blood?  By placing our faith and trust in Jesus (Romans 5:1), confessing Christ (Romans 10:9-10), turning from our sins in repentance (Romans 2:4), and being buried with Christ in baptism (Romans 6:1-4).  Then, we are to dedicate the rest of our lives in service to Him (Romans 6:12-18; 12:1). *

The most valuable discovery that YOU can make is that you, too, are a great sinner (as ALL are!) and that Christ desires to be YOUR Savior.  

He will save you -IF- you will trust and obey Him.

Won’t YOU?

-- Allan Eldridge / David A. Sargent

Church of Christ at Creekwood 
1901 Schillinger Rd. S.
Mobile, Alabama  36695

* adapted only slightly from an article by Allan Eldridge, the Minister of the Regency Church of Christ in Mobile, AL

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